How to prevent JavaScript on web site messing with browser

Solution 1:

You can find a solution here:

Several options with Firefox:

Use the Addon "Adblock Plus". It will probably still accesses the js but does not execute it.

Use the Addon "Greasemonkey", which - when cofigured right - does not even touch the js-url. But its generally harder to configure right. ;)

Have a look at Firefox's buildin security policies: Here you can block javascript on an url or even function-level

Solution 2:

As oozic mentioned, you'll need to combine several techniques.

  • Enable Firefox to disable right-click hijacking and use Stylish to override custom cursors: How to modify certain website features from browser on Firefox?

  • NoScript extension to selectively disable Javascript

  • Remember Passwords extension to force allow Firefox's built-in password manager