Is there an application or some other method that would update Chromium in Windows?

I like to use Chromium beside Google Chrome in both Linux and Windows. In Windows it acts like a portable program, unlike in Linux, where it can be updated automatically if desired.

I would like to be able to update Chromium automatically, or by issuing a command, running a program etc -- and not to check and download manually newer versions.

Is this possible?

Solution 1:

You can use the tool chromium auto updater.

You can set the time, when it should update.

But there are many other features:


  • daily update for Chromium browser at 8pm (can be changed)
  • you don't have to close browser during the update
  • you can update anytime by 'Start Menu' icon
  • does not work in the background and does not waste RAM memory
  • can be used (first use) as a Chromium Installer if browser not installed
  • you can install and use Chromium independently of Google Chrome
  • installation and uninstallation takes only 1 second


enter image description here

To change or remove automatic download:

  • open Task Scheduler - Select task "Chromium Auto Updater by Marcin-prv" -> Properties -> Triggers

enter image description here

enter image description here

'Delete' and 'New' to create new update task, or just 'Delete' to remove automatic update.

To update instantly: under Start menu, go to Chromium - Chromium auto updater - Update now