14.04 login loop after cuda installation
1- First, you must uninstall nvidia
packages. apt-get purge nvidia-*
2- Try re-install ubuntu-desktop
3- Reconfigure lightdm
package. (dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
4- Reboot
It must work, if not; try modprobe nouveau
to load nouveau
kernel module
I also encounter the same problem. So I switch to TTY (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and created a new user and found out that I can login using the new user. Then I realize that if I use the new user's $HOME/.profile
, I can login too. Finally, the problem lies in the $HOME/.profile
, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\*/cuda\*:\*/nvidia\*:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
It turns out that if your current graphics card is not compatible with the Nvidia driver or CUDA library, login will crash the X session. It seems like a bug in the gnome-session.
Your case might be different though.
My problem now solved.