Manually Start Ubuntu One Daemon

I would like to be able to manually start and stop the Ubuntu One Daemon. However, I need to know:

  1. What is the name of the ubuntu one daemon ?
  2. Can I use update-rc.d (ubuntu one daemon) disable & to manually start it? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Remove It From Auto Starting When System Boots . i did it with update-rc.d bluetooth disable

Solution 1:

Ubuntuone is autostarted from /etc/xdg/autostart/ubuntuone-launch.desktop not from upstart. gnome-session-properties OR StartUp Appication Preference on session-indicator doesnot let you enable/disable the autostart application in /etc/xdg/autostart as most of them contain NoDisplay=true. What you can do is either:

Comment the line NoDisplay=true as #NoDisplay=true and disable it from the above mentioned guis.

OR do:

mv /etc/xdg/autostart/ubuntuone-launch.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/ubuntuone-launch.desktop.disabled

How do I add/remove the "hidden" startup applications?

Solution 2:

You may start it by executing ubuntuone-launch. The daemon is not handled by upstart, so you may control it using u1sdtool (man page)

u1sdtool -q will stop the daemon