Cropping Images using Command Line Tools Only

I want to crop an image using command line tools only indicating pixels to crop for the four directions (the same way we can crop in LibreOffice)

For example:

crop image.jpg -top 5px -bottom 7px -right 14px -left 3px

Is there such a tool (not GUI)?

Solution 1:

Here is a workaround using convert from image magick pack.

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

For a picture image.jpg

$ identify image.jpg 

image.jpg JPEG 720x482 720x482+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 100KB 0.000u 0:00.009

As shown above, the input image is 720x482px.

Now to do cropping you have to determine two factors:

  1. starting point of the cropping (includes 2 directions)
  2. The cropped rectangle size (Here you can include the other directions)

Now back to the image image.jpg above, I want to crop:

  • top 5px
  • bottom 7px
  • right 14px
  • left 3px

then you could do it with (widthxheight+left+top / wxh+l+t format):

convert image.jpg -crop 703x470+3+5 output.jpg


$ identify output.jpg 

output.jpg JPEG 703x470 703x470+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 102KB 0.000u 0:00.000

Solution 2:

If you want to trim white regions away, imagemagick has a special command for it:

convert -trim input.jpg output.jpg

Solution 3:

To create a "user friendly" cli- option, the script below can be used. Simply run the command:

<script> <image> <crop_left> <crop_right> <crop_top> <crop_bottom>

It creates a cropped image of image.jpeg, named image[cropped].jpeg in the same directory.

The script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import sys

# image, crop- dimensions
img = sys.argv[1]; left = sys.argv[2]; right = sys.argv[3]; top = sys.argv[4]; bottom = sys.argv[5]
# arrange the output file's name and path
img_base = img[:img.rfind(".")]; extension = img[img.rfind("."):]; path = img[:img.rfind("/")]
img_out = img_base+"[cropped]"+extension
# get the current img' size
data = subprocess.check_output(["identify", img]).decode("utf-8").strip().replace(img, "")
size = [int(n) for n in data.replace(img, "").split()[1].split("x")]
# calculate the command to resize
w = str(size[0]-int(left)-int(right)); h = str(size[1]-int(top)-int(bottom)); x = left; y = top
# execute the command
cmd = ["convert", img, "-crop", w+"x"+h+"+"+x+"+"+y, "+repage", img_out]

How to use

  1. The script uses imagemagick

    sudo apt-get install imagemagick
  2. Save the script above as crop_image (no extension) in ~/bin.

  3. Create the directory if necessary. In that case, also run source ~/.profile to make the directory show up in $PATH.
  4. Make the script executable.

Now simply run the script by its name, as mentioned, e.g.:

crop_image /path/to/image.jpg 20 30 40 50

Spaces are no problem, as long as in that case, you use quotes:

crop_image '/path/with spaces in the name/to/image.jpg' 20 30 40 50

Solution 4:

The crop command needs 4 things. To understand it take the image you want to crop. Now, imagine that on the image, you are drawing a rectangle of the size which you want to retain. The area outside this rectangle will be eliminated, cropped. The rectangle must not be tilted i.e. the top side must be horizontal.

Now, note down these 4 things:

  1. the width (W) in pixel of the rectangle
  2. height (H) of the rectangle
  3. distance of the left vertical side of the rectangle from the left margin/end (L) of the image
  4. distance of the top side of the rectangle from the top margin/end of the image (T).

Thus you have now W, H, L and T values. So far so good. To know the pixels, you may install krule tool in Ubuntu. Very useful.

Now, open the terminal and go to the folder where the image is stored. Use the following command and put the values of W, H, L and T properly:

convert input.jpg -crop WxH+L+T output.jpg

Solution 5:

Use mogrify -crop <W>x<H>+<X>+<Y> <files>.

Careful: the files are overwritten without notice.