Turn on/off Bluetooth from shell not from applet

Ubuntu 13.04 64 bits, on ELiteBook 8740, gnome desktop with bluetooth-applet shown.

I could not figure out how to turn on and off from shell the Bluetooth and not from the notification bt applet menu. I need to turn on the service and the thing from menu from shell or C.

service bluetooth start/stop has noting to do with the applet button menu item because here are the four scenarios I can see.

  1. Service off, menu item from applet is off (shows turn on)

    bt-device --list yields bluez service is not found

  2. Service on, (sudo service bluetooth start) menu item from applet is off (shows turn on)

    bt-device --list yields rg.bluez.Error.NoSuchAdapter: No such adapter

  3. Service on, menu item from applet is on (shows turn off)

    bt-device --list yields

    Added devices:
    HMDX JAM (36:8F:E8:07:B2:CA)
    Mint Speaker (5BA5) (01:19:53:4C:5B:A5)
  4. Service off, menu item from applet is on (shows turn off)

    bt-device --list yields bluez service is not found

I want to be able to turn on and off the Bluetooth as is being done from the applet button. How can I do this?

The commands you're looking for are:

rfkill block bluetooth


rfkill unblock bluetooth

To stop :

sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop

To start :

sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start

To restart :

sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

On Ubuntu 15.04 and later

systemctl start bluetooth

for turning on Bluetooth

systemctl stop bluetooth

for turning off Bluetooth

systemctl restart bluetooth

for restarting Bluetooth