How to copy/paste a table from LibreOffice Calc to LibreOffice Writer

Solution 1:

Copy the sample data in Calc.

enter image description here

If you try to directly paste into your original table all infos will be pasted into the first cell instead of several columns or rows, respectively.

enter image description here

Instead put the cursor in an empty space in the document, e.g. a normal paragraph not a cell in a table.

In the Writer menu select Edit -> Paste Special (Ctrl + Shift + V) and then select "Formatted Text".

enter image description here

Now you will see your table from Calc pasted into Writer.

enter image description here

In the next step you can now select this table and copy and paste it into your original table.

enter image description here

enter image description here


enter image description here

The advantage of this method is that you don't have to fix the bad formatting of paste special.

Solution 2:

Can I suggest, in Writer, choose Edit - Paste Special. Then select "Formatted Text". This will paste the text in a table which you can then format/add borders etc.

Solution 3:

This didn't work for me as it created dozens of tiny separate tables.

I then found a simple way around it as follows. (I was working with a large spreadsheet table about 50 rows and 10 columns.)

  1. In calc select the area reqired and copy it [ctrl - C]
  2. in writer on a plain bit of the page paste the clipboard as UNformatted text. It will paste with tabs between the cell data and carrige returns at the ends of the rows
  3. Select the whole text and use [table] [convert] [text to table] using the default settings

Works like magic

Solution 4:

if you fail to update the table contents by pasting, try pasting the data to somewhere empty on the page first, and the copy it back into the table, which works for me

Solution 5:

My preferred way to paste (formatted) tables from Calc to Writer is via the HTML editor of LibreOffice. Do this:

  1. Copy the table from Calc,
  2. Paste it in the HTML editor,
  3. Copy again,
  4. Paste it in writer.

You will have your table pasted as a table (with the right number of columns and rows) and with a good part of formatting conserved.