Emulate/Simulate iOS in Linux [closed]

Solution 1:

The only solution I can think of is to install VMWare or any other VT then install OSX on a VM.

It works pretty good for testing.

Solution 2:

On linux you can check epiphany-browser, resizes the windows you'll get same bugs as in ios. Both browsers uses Webkit.


sudo apt install epiphany-browser

Solution 3:

On this site, you can emulate a lot of iOS's devices online.

Solution 4:

  1. Run Ripple emulator(retired as of 2015-12-06) on Chrome
  2. Run iPadian on WineHQ
  3. Run QMole on Linux or Android
  4. Run XCode on PureDarwin

Solution 5:

Maybe, this approach is better, https://saucelabs.com/mobile, mobile testing in the cloud with selenium