GoogleDrive size doesn't match between local and cloud

  • Currently, the size used of my GoogleDrive Cloud storage is about 6G.
  • I noticed the size of my local GoogleDrive is less than 3G.

SyncComplete, and their size don't match, so I feel something is wrong.

Is it common due to some internal process, or in fact, something wrong with my configuration?

OS is OSX MountainLion. Thanks.

I had the same question. Under Windows Google drive (version 1.24) reported 10.73 GB used where the local "Google Drive" folder contained 5.32 GB of files.

In Windows the Google Drive system tray icon blue usage summary text is a link to a web-page summarizing your account use:

10.73 GB used
Drive 5.32 GB
Gmail 0 GB
Google Photos 5.4 GB

In my case the "unaccounted" for 5.4 GB was synced photos from my Android phone.

The Google drive client software isn't distinguishing between "local drive files" and your "Google cloud storage" - the later being shared with other Google services.

I had the same problem. In my case it was the "trash" folder that accounted for the difference. I deleted it and now the sizes match. You see, the trash folder doesn't show in the desktop version of your google drive, you can only access it when from an internet browser, hence the ghost space.