OpenSuse zypper is slow on startup

Whenever I open the terminal to install something from the repositories, it takes like 1 minute to 'build' them and all that junk. I recently switched from Ubuntu and apt never had this issue. What can I do to reduce this?

Zypper auto-refreshes the repos when you run it. Disable it.

Head over to YaST, click on Software and then Software Repositories.

enter image description here

Next,Select the repo, and ensure that Automatically refresh is disabled.

enter image description here

A modification on Sathyajith Bhat's answer is a command line to hit them all at once. Thanks @SathyajithBhat

sudo zypper modifyrepo -a -R

-R is legacy. -F should also work. If no name is specified, the action is done on all repos.

End result enter image description here