Is there a 3-dimensional "matrix" by "matrix" product?

Is it possible to multiply A[m,n,k] by B[p,q,r]? Does the regular matrix product have generalized form?

I would appreciate it if you could help me to find out some tutorials online or mathematical 'word' which means N-dimensional matrix product.

Upd. I'm writing a program that can perform matrix calculations. I created a class called matrix and made it independent from the storage using object oriented features of C++. But when I started to write this program I thought that it was some general operation to multiply for all kinds of arrays(matrices). And my plan was to implement this multiplication (and other operators) and get generalized class of objects. Since this site is not concerned with programming I didn't post too much technical details earlier. Now I'm not quite sure if that one general procedure exists. Thanks for all comments.

The general procedure is called tensor contraction. Concretely it's given by summing over various indices. For example, just as ordinary matrix multiplication $C = AB$ is given by

$$c_{ij} = \sum_k a_{ik} b_{kj}$$

we can contract by summing across any index. For example, we can write

$$c_{ijlm} = \sum_k a_{ijk} b_{klm}$$

which gives a $4$-tensor ("$4$-dimensional matrix") rather than a $3$-tensor. One can also contract twice, for example

$$c_{il} = \sum_{j,k} a_{ijk} b_{kjl}$$

which gives a $2$-tensor.

The abstract details shouldn't matter terribly unless you explicitly want to implement mixed variance, which as far as I know nobody who writes algorithms for manipulating matrices does.

Sorry to revive the thread, but what I found might answer the original question and help others who might stumble into this in the future. This came up for me when I wanted to avoid using for-loop and instead do one big multiplication on 3D matrices.

So first, let's look how matrix multiplication works. Say you have A[m,n] and B[n,p]. One requirement is that number of columns of A must match the number of rows of B. Then, all you do is iterate over rows of A (i) and columns of B (j) and the common dimension of both (k) (matlab/octave example):

for i = 1:m
    for j = 1:p
        for k = 1:n
             C(i,j) = C(i,j) + A(i,k)*B(k,j);   
C-A*B %to check the code, should output zeros

So the common dimension n got "contracted" I believe (Qiaochu Yuan's answer made so much sense once I started coding it).

Now, assuming you want something similar to happen in 3D case, ie one common dimension to contract, what would you do? Assume you have A[l,m,n] and B[n,p,q]. The requirement of the common dimension is still there - the last one of A must equal the first one of B. Then theoretically (this is just one way to do it and it just makes sense to me, no other foundation for this), n just cancels in LxMxNxNxPxQ and what you get is LxMxPxQ. The result is not even the same kind of creature, it is not 3-dimensional, instead it grew to 4D (just like Qiaochu Yuan pointed out btw). But oh well, how would you compute it? Well, just append 2 more for loops to iterate over new dimensions:

for h = 1:l
    for i = 1:m
        for j = 1:p
            for g = 1:q
                for k = 1:n
                    C(h,i,j,g) = C(h,i,j,g) + A(h,i,k)*B(k,j,g);

At the heart of it, it is still row-by-column kind of operation (hence only one dimension "contracts"), just over more data.

Now, my real problem was actually A[m,n] and B[n,p,q], where the creatures came from different dimensions (2D times 3D), but it seems doable nonetheless (afterall matrix times vector is 2D times 1D). So for me the result is C[m,p,q]:

for i = 1:m
    for j = 1:p
        for g = 1:q
            for k = 1:n
                C(i,j,g) = C(i,j,g) + A(i,k)*B(k,j,g);

which checks out against using the full for-loops:

for j = 1:p
    for g = 1:q
        Ct(:,j,g) = A*B(:,j,g); %"true", but still uses for-loops

but doesn't achieve my initial goal of just calling some built-in matlab function to do the work for me. Still, it was fun to play with this.