Is $\sqrt[3]{p+q\sqrt{3}}+\sqrt[3]{p-q\sqrt{3}}=n$, $(p,q,n)\in\mathbb{N} ^3$ solvable?

In this recent answer to this question by Eesu, Vladimir Reshetnikov proved that $$ \begin{equation} \left( 26+15\sqrt{3}\right) ^{1/3}+\left( 26-15\sqrt{3}\right) ^{1/3}=4.\tag{1} \end{equation} $$

I would like to know if this result can be generalized to other triples of natural numbers.

Question. What are the solutions of the following equation? $$ \begin{equation} \left( p+q\sqrt{3}\right) ^{1/3}+\left( p-q\sqrt{3}\right) ^{1/3}=n,\qquad \text{where }\left( p,q,n\right) \in \mathbb{N} ^{3}.\tag{2} \end{equation} $$

For $(1)$ we could write $26+15\sqrt{3}$ in the form $(a+b\sqrt{3})^{3}$

$$ 26+15\sqrt{3}=(a+b\sqrt{3})^{3}=a^{3}+9ab^{2}+3( a^{2}b+b^{3}) \sqrt{3} $$

and solve the system $$ \left\{ \begin{array}{c} a^{3}+9ab^{2}=26 \\ a^{2}b+b^{3}=5. \end{array} \right. $$

A solution is $(a,b)=(2,1)$. Hence $26+15\sqrt{3}=(2+\sqrt{3})^3 $. Using the same method to $26-15\sqrt{3}$, we find $26-15\sqrt{3}=(2-\sqrt{3})^3 $, thus proving $(1)$.

For $(2)$ the very same idea yields

$$ p+q\sqrt{3}=(a+b\sqrt{3})^{3}=a^{3}+9ab^{2}+3( a^{2}b+b^{3}) \tag{3} \sqrt{3} $$


$$ \left\{ \begin{array}{c} a^{3}+9ab^{2}=p \\ 3( a^{2}b+b^{3}) =q. \end{array} \right. \tag{4} $$

I tried to solve this system for $a,b$ but since the solution is of the form

$$ (a,b)=\Big(x^{3},\frac{3qx^{3}}{8x^{9}+p}\Big),\tag{5} $$

where $x$ satisfies the cubic equation $$ 64x^{3}-48x^{2}p+( -15p^{2}+81q^{2}) x-p^{3}=0,\tag{6} $$ would be very difficult to succeed, using this naive approach.

Is this problem solvable, at least partially?

Is $\sqrt[3]{p+q\sqrt{3}}+\sqrt[3]{p-q\sqrt{3}}=n$, $(p,q,n)\in\mathbb{N} ^3$ solvable?

Solution 1:

The solutions are of the form $\displaystyle(p, q)= \left(\frac{3t^2nr+n^3}{8},\,\frac{3n^2t+t^3r}{8}\right)$, for any rational parameter $t$. To prove it, we start with $$\left(p+q\sqrt{r}\right)^{1/3}+\left(p-q\sqrt{r}\right)^{1/3}=n\tag{$\left(p,q,n,r\right)\in\mathbb{N}^{4}$}$$ and cube both sides using the identity $(a+b)^3=a^3+3ab(a+b)+b^3$ to, then, get $$\left(\frac{n^3-2p}{3n}\right)^3=p^2-rq^2,$$ which is a nicer form to work with. Keeping $n$ and $r$ fixed, we see that for every $p={1,2,3,\ldots}$ there is a solution $(p,q)$, where $\displaystyle q^2=\frac{1}{r}\left(p^2-\left(\frac{n^3-2p}{3n}\right)^3\right)$. When is this number a perfect square? Wolfram says it equals $$q^2 =\frac{(8p-n^3) (n^3+p)^2}{(3n)^2\cdot 3nr},$$ which reduces the question to when $\displaystyle \frac{8p-n^3}{3nr}$ is a perfect square, and you get solutions of the form $\displaystyle (p,q)=\left(p,\frac{n^3+p}{3n}\sqrt{\frac{8p-n^3}{3nr}}\right).$ Note that when $r=3$, this simplifies further to when $\displaystyle \frac{8p}{n}-n^2$ is a perfect square.

Now, we note that if $\displaystyle (p,q)=\left(p,\frac{n^3+p}{3n}\sqrt{\frac{8p-n^3}{3nr}}\right) \in\mathbb{Q}^2$, $\displaystyle\sqrt{\frac{8p-n^3}{3nr}}$ must be rational as well. Call this rational number $t$, our parameter. Then $8p=3t^2nr+n^3$. Substitute back to get $$(p,q)=\left(\frac{3t^2nr+n^3}{8},\,\frac{3n^2t+t^3r}{8}\right).$$ This generates expressions like $$\left(\frac{2589437}{8}+\frac{56351}{4}\sqrt{11}\right)^{1/3}+\left(\frac{2589437}{8}-\frac{56351}{4}\sqrt{11}\right)^{1/3}=137$$


for whichever $r$ you want, the first using $(r,t,n)=(11,2,137)$ and the second $(r,t,n)=(3,7,23)$.

Solution 2:

Here's a way of finding, at the very least, a large class of rational solutions. It seems plausible to me that these are all the rational solutions, but I don't actually have a proof yet...

Say we want to solve $(p+q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}+(p-q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}=n$ for some fixed $n$. The left-hand side looks an awful lot like the root of a depressed cubic (as it would be given by Cardano's formula). So let's try to build some specific depressed cubic having $n$ as a root, where the cubic formula realizes $n$ as $(p+q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}+(p-q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}$.

The depressed cubics having $n$ as a root all take the following form: $$(x-n)(x^2+nx+b) = x^3 + (b-n^2)x-nb$$ where $b$ is arbitrary. If we want to apply the cubic formula to such a polynomial and come up with the root $(p+q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}+(p-q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}$, we must have: \begin{eqnarray} p&=&\frac{nb}{2}\\ 3q^2&=& \frac{(nb)^2}{4}+\frac{(-n^2+b)^3}{27}\\ &=&\frac{b^3}{27}+\frac{5b^2n^2}{36}+\frac{bn^4}{9}-\frac{n^6}{27}\\ &=&\frac{1}{108}(4b-n^2)(b+2n^2)^2 \end{eqnarray} (where I cheated and used Wolfram Alpha to do the last factorization :)).

So the $p$ that arises here will be rational iff $b$ is; the $q$ that arises will be rational iff $4b-n^2$ is a perfect rational square (since $3 * 108=324$ is a perfect square). That is, we can choose rational $n$ and $m$ and set $m^2=4b-n^2$, and then we will be able to find rational $p,q$ via the above formulae, where $(p+q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}+(p-q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}$ is a root of the cubic $$ (x-n)\left(x^2+nx+\frac{m^2+n^2}{4}\right)=(x-n)\left(\left(x+\frac{n}{2}\right)^2+\left(\frac{m}{2}\right)^2\right) \, . $$

The quadratic factor of this cubic manifestly does not have real roots unless $m=0$; since $(p+q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}+(p-q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}$ is real, it must therefore be equal to $n$ whenever $m \neq 0$.

To summarize, we have found a two-parameter family of rational solutions to the general equation $(p+q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}+(p-q\sqrt{3})^{1/3}=n$. One of those parameters is $n$ itself; if the other is $m$, we can substitute $b=\frac{m^2+n^2}{4}$ into the above relations to get \begin{eqnarray} p&=&n\left(\frac{m^2+n^2}{8}\right)\\ q&=&m\left(\frac{m^2+9n^2}{72}\right) \, . \end{eqnarray}

To make sure I didn't make any algebra errors, I randomly picked $n=5$, $m=27$ to try out. These give $(p,q)=\left(\frac{1885}{4},\frac{1431}{4}\right)$, and indeed Wolfram Alpha confirms that $$ \left(\frac{1885}{4}+\frac{1431}{4} \sqrt{3}\right)^{1/3}+\left(\frac{1885}{4}-\frac{1431}{4} \sqrt{3}\right)^{1/3}=5 \, . $$