after reinstall Alsa and Pulse Audio, system setting missing

Solution 1:

When you purge alsa-base pulseaudio with the command:

sudo apt-get remove --purge alsa-base pulseaudio

This remove the following packages:

  alsa-base* indicator-sound* libcanberra-pulse* osspd* osspd-pulseaudio*
  pulseaudio* pulseaudio-module-bluetooth* pulseaudio-module-x11*
  unity-control-center* unity-control-center-signon*
  webaccounts-extension-common* xul-ext-webaccounts*

This leads to this miss up since you remove the unity-control-center* and the unity-control-center-signon* and the other packages listed above.

In order to solve this problem you should install those packages again.

sudo apt-get install alsa-base* indicator-sound* libcanberra-pulse* osspd* osspd-pulseaudio* pulseaudio* pulseaudio-module-bluetooth* pulseaudio-module-x11* unity-control-center* unity-control-center-signon* webaccounts-extension-common* xul-ext-webaccounts*

If this make some problem then it's better to install one package at once.