Access local network through one public IP

I have a local network built up with 8 computers connected to switch. Main node has a public IP, so I can ssh it from external network. Is it possible to access other 7 nodes without assigning public IPs to them?(access them from the node that has public IP) I don't have access to the switch terminal.

Yes. This is possible. If you want to just SSH to them you could first SSH to the computer with the public IP address from an external network and from that computer establish SSH connections to the computers in the internal network, providing no connectivity issues.

Also there is NAT. With NAT it is possible to do more complex setup for accessing internal networks from an external one.

How to setup NAT in Windows

How to setup NAT in Linux

Port forwarding


Based on what you said in the comments, you want the computer with the public IP address to act as a router, so that it would be able to talk to 2 networks simultaneously. This can be achieved by creating a virtual interface with an IP address in the range 10.10.3.xx (your internal network). So, it will have access to two networks at the same time.

Next thing to do is to setup NAT/port forwarding (now see links above).

Or, as I said earlier, if you just want to SSH to them - you will be able to SSH to the computer with the public IP, and from there - establish SSH connections to other computers in the internal network. And this should work without setting up NAT / port forwarding.

First I hit to get the public IP being assigned to my network (if you don't have it already).

Then you can use port-mapping feature in your firewall to get to each machine behind the single public IP address. Map SSH on each workstation to a unique port such as 8123, 8124, 8125. This is the same way web traffic is returned to 100 computers sitting behind one public IP address. Each computer surfing the web (outbound port 80), the return traffic session goes to a port that is NATed to the private IP of the internal computer.

Hope this helps!