Is it possible to see an entire window title?

Solution 1:

You can try this:

tasklist /fi "WindowTitle eq TF*" /v /fo list

tasklist /fi "WindowTitle eq TF*" /v /fo csv

tasklist /fi "WindowTitle eq TF*" /v /fo list | find /i "TF"

Solution 2:

Frame challenge: Press F12 in the browser to open the dev tools. The full contents of the title tag will be visible in the head section of the inspection pane.

Solution 3:

I don't know if this powershell script can answer or not your question for your case :

ForEach ($Browser in $ArrayBrowsers) {
    Get-Process $Browser -EA SilentlyContinue |
        Where mainwindowtitle -NE '' |
            select ID,name,mainwindowtitle | FT -AutoSize