Covariance, covariance operator, and covariance function

Solution 1:

The first definition is a special case of the second. Rather than a Hilbert space H, let's look at a Banach space $X$, and distinguish it from its dual space $X^*$. Every continuous linear functional $\varphi \in X^*$ is a random variable $\varphi : X \to \mathbb R$, so it makes sense to take expectations and covariances. We define the expectation of a functional by $\mathbb E[\varphi] = \int_X \varphi[x] \, \mathrm d \mathbf P(x)$, and the covariance of two functionals to be

$$\operatorname{cov}[\psi|\varphi] = \int_X \big( \psi[x] - \mathbb E[\psi]\big) \big( \varphi[x] - \mathbb E[\varphi]\big) \, \mathrm d \mathbf P(x).$$

Now, consider a probability measure $\mathbf P$ on a Hilbert space $X = H$. By the Riesz representation theorem, we know that the dual space $H^*$ is isomorphic to $H$, and all the functionals are of the form $\varphi_h[x] := \langle h, x \rangle$.

The mean can be represented by a single element $m \in H$, which is called the "Pettis integral" of $\mathbf P$. This element satisfies the property that $\mathbb E[\varphi_h] = \varphi_h[m] = \langle h, m \rangle$ for all $h \in H$.


$$\operatorname{cov}[\varphi_h|\varphi_{h'}] = \int_X \big\langle h, x - m \big\rangle \big\langle h', x-m \big\rangle \, \mathrm d \mathbf P(x).$$

This is the formula you were looking for. It's just a special case of the usual covariance formula, specialized to the setting where the random variables of interest are continuous linear functionals, and the probability space is a Hilbert space.