Solution 1:

This is an arch-typical example where expectation is much easier than distribution...

There are $n$ hats and each person picks a hat uniformly at random hence each gets their right hat back with probability $\frac1n$. Expectation is linear even when the random variables are dependent hence the mean of the total number of persons who get their right hat back is $n\times\frac1n=1$.

Solution 2:

Note that the combinatorial species $\mathcal{Q}$ of permutations with fixed points marked is $$\mathcal{Q} = \mathfrak{P} \left(\mathcal{U}\mathcal{Z} + \mathfrak{C}_2(\mathcal{Z}) + \mathfrak{C}_3(\mathcal{Z}) + \mathfrak{C}_4(\mathcal{Z})+\ldots\right).$$ Hence the generating function of these marked permutations is $$G(z, u) = \exp\left(uz+\frac{z^2}{2}+\frac{z^3}{3}+\frac{z^4}{4}+\ldots\right)$$ which is $$\exp\left(uz-z+\frac{z}{1}+\frac{z^2}{2}+\frac{z^3}{3}+\frac{z^4}{4}+\ldots\right) \\= \exp(uz-z) \exp\log\frac{1}{1-z} = \frac{1}{1-z} \exp(uz-z).$$

We can recover the total number of permutations on $n$ with $k$ fixed points from this generating function, it is given by $$n! [z^n][u^k]\frac{1}{1-z} \exp(uz-z) = n! [z^n] \frac{1}{1-z} \exp(-z) \frac{z^k}{k!} \\= \frac{n!}{k!} [z^{n-k}] \frac{1}{1-z} \exp(-z) = \frac{n!}{k!} \sum_{m=0}^{n-k}\frac{(-1)^m}{m!}.$$

It follows that the OGF of the expected number of fixed points is $$\left.\frac{d}{du} G(z,u)\right|_{u=1} = \left.\frac{1}{1-z} \exp(uz-z)\times z\right|_{u=1} = \frac{z}{1-z}. $$ Now since $$[z^n]\frac{z}{1-z} =1,$$ we expect there to be on average one person who recovers his hat.

The differentiation works here because it turns the term $q\times u^k \times z^n/n!$ into $q\times k\times z^n/n!$ and we see that the factor $n!$ which is necessary for the average is already present in the GF.

Solution 3:

For each $S\in [n]$ such that $|S|=k$, let $f(S)$ be the number of elements $\pi \in \mathfrak {S}_{n}$ whose set of fixed points is exactly $S$: $$ f(S) = |\{\pi \in \mathfrak{S}_{n}: \pi(i)=i ~\text{iff}~~ i\in S\}| $$ Let $g(S)$ be the number of $\pi \in \mathfrak{S}_{n}$ whose set of fixed points includes $S$: $$ g(S) = |\{\pi \in \mathfrak{S}_{n}: \pi(i)=i ~~ \forall i\in S\}| $$ Clearly, $g(S)=\sum_{S \subseteq T\subseteq [n]} f(T)$. Mobius inversion gives \begin{align*} f(S) &= \sum_{S\subseteq T}(-1)^{|T\backslash S|}g(T)\\ &= \sum_{S\subseteq T} (-1)^{|T|-k} (n-|T|)!\\ &= \sum_{i=k}^{n} \sum_{|T|=i} (-1)^{i-k} (n-i)!\\ &= \sum_{i=k}^{n} \binom{n-k}{i-k} (-1)^{i-k}(n-i)!\\ &=(n-k)! \sum_{i=k}^{n} \frac{(-1)^{i-k}}{(i-k)!} \end{align*} Since there are $\binom{n}{k}$ ways to choose $S$, the total number of permutations in $\mathfrak{S}_{n}$ with $k$ fixed points equals $$ \binom{n}{k} \cdot (n-k)! \sum_{i=k}^{n} \frac{(-1)^{i-k}}{(i-k)!} = \frac{n!}{k!} \sum_{i=k}^{n} \frac{(-1)^{i-k}}{(i-k)!} $$