How to access my Android's files using Wi-Fi in Ubuntu?

There is a free application on the Google Play store called Software Data Cable:

Once you've installed it, turn on your WiFi connection and launch the app.

Tap on the "start service" button.

It creates a FTP server on the android device that lets you connect from any computer by opening the resource:

where is the IP address of your device.

You can now copy/paste files over WiFi from/to your android device.

PS - on ubuntu 18.04 get into nautilus and hit + Other Locations then at bottom enter ftp URL above into Connect to Server

My favourite application is SSHelper. It is free on google play store and well documented.

It creates a SSH server you can access using sftp. You mount the filesystem using Nautilus.

To make it more interesting; You may indeed use AirDroid, which is an android App allows you to connect to your phone interface using a web UI.

Airdroid Supported Instances

  1. Connecting via network (you have to be on the same network)
  2. Connecting via hotspot (device will create a network which is going to be the same network)
  3. Over the internet (you will need an airdoid account)

Usage (using either same network or via device's hotspot)

  • Download the AirDroid app from Google play & Open the app
  • When it is connected over WiFi or on hotspot, it will display a URL to connect to;

enter image description here

  • Connect the given URL from your browser which will ask to allow with a prompt on your device

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • once connected your device will displayed with a below message

enter image description here

  • and the PC will give you the rest of the information

enter image description here

What can I do with Airdroid

There's a lot you can do with Airdroid (even accessing your folder directories, not sure you need root or not)

  1. Transfer file between phone to PC or vise verca
  2. Find phone
  3. Read notification
  4. Operate phone calls, SMS... & many more

Hope that helps and clears your question!