How do I escape only single quotes?

Solution 1:

Quite simply: echo str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $myString); However, I'd suggest use of JSON and json_encode() function as it will be more reliable (quotes new lines for instance):

<?php $data = array('myString' => '...'); ?>

   var phpData = <?php echo json_encode($data) ?>;

Solution 2:

If you want to escape characters with a \, you have addcslashes(). For example, if you want to escape only single quotes like the question, you can do:

echo addcslashes($value, "'");

And if you want to escape ', ", \, and nul (the byte null), you can use addslashes():

echo addslashes($value);

Solution 3:

str_replace("'", "\'", $mystringWithSingleQuotes);

Solution 4:

In some cases, I just convert it into ENTITIES:

                        // i.e.,  $x= ABC\DEFGH'IJKL
$x = str_ireplace("'",  "&apos;", $x);
$x = str_ireplace("\\", "&bsol;", $x);
$x = str_ireplace('"',  "&quot;", $x);

On the HTML page, the visual output is the same:


However, it is sanitized in source.

Solution 5:

Use the native function htmlspecialchars. It will escape from all special character. If you want to escape from a quote specifically, use with ENT_COMPAT or ENT_QUOTES. Here is the example:

$str = "Jane & 'Tarzan'";
echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_COMPAT); // Will only convert double quotes
echo "<br>";

echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES); // Converts double and single quotes
echo "<br>";

echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_NOQUOTES); // Does not convert any quotes

The output would be like this:

Jane &amp; 'Tarzan'<br>
Jane &amp; &#039;Tarzan&#039;<br>
Jane &amp; 'Tarzan'

Read more in PHP htmlspecialchars() Function