Yarn - How do I update each dependency in package.json to the latest version?

I have a react app with deprecated dependencies. To make it work, I have to update the dependencies to their newer (but stable) versions.

As per this stakoverflow thread, to update dependencies in package.json to latest versions, npm-check-updates is the Best Option for npm. However, I'm using yarn for package management. Is there an equivalent of npm-check-updates in yarn. So that, I use a single package manager to manage my dependencies.

Solution 1:

yarn upgrade-interactive --latest

But you have to have a yarn.lock file before do it. If you are using npm, you must delete package-lock.json first. Then run yarn to create structure. After that you can do upgrade-interactive. Without that, yarn shows upgrade, but no changes and effects in package.json.

Solution 2:

You can upgrade a single package to the latest major version with this:

yarn upgrade <package-name> --latest

Solution 3:

You can try this npm package yarn-upgrade-all. This package will remove every package in package.json and add it again which will update it to latest version.


npm install -g yarn-upgrade-all

usage: in your project directory run:

yarn yarn-upgrade-all

Solution 4:

The one that worked for me is from a comment by @Andrew Zolotarev, which uses

npx yarn-upgrade-all

Solution 5:

In case you wanted to add the package to your package.json for development collaboration

yarn add yarn-upgrade-all -D
yarn yarn-upgrade-all

By the way, the package uses the command ( reinstall all packages again )

yarn install package1 package2 packageN