Sharing of fail2ban banned IPs

I once saw a system for centralizing fail2ban data on this site, and created a modified version. The database is the same, bu I changed and created some scripts.

My system have 4 components:

  1. fail2ban database

    It's a MySQL database containing only one table: erp_core_fail2ban:

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'erp_core_fail2ban' (
      'id' bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      'hostname' varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
      'created' datetime NOT NULL,
      'name' text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
      'protocol' varchar(16) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
      'port' varchar(32) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
      'ip' varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY ('id'),
      KEY 'hostname' ('hostname','ip')
    ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
  2. fail2ban.php

    Every time a host is banned, it will populate the database:

    $name = $_SERVER["argv"][1];
    $protocol = $_SERVER["argv"][2];
    $port = $_SERVER["argv"][3];
    if (!preg_match('/^\d{1,5}$/', $port))
        $port = getservbyname($_SERVER["argv"][3], $protocol);
    $ip = $_SERVER["argv"][4];
    $hostname = gethostname();
    $query = "INSERT INTO 'erp_core_fail2ban' set hostname='" . addslashes($hostname) . "', name='" . addslashes($name) ."', protocol='" . addslashes($protocol) . "', port='" . addslashes($port) . "', ip='" . addslashes($ip) . "', created=NOW()";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
  3. cron2ban

    You put this to run on crontab, every minute. It will retrieve the last added hosts, and ban them.

    // phpconfig.php will have database configuration settings
    // file with only a line, containing the last id banned
    $lastban = file_get_contents($lastbanfile);
    // select only hosts banned after last check
    $sql = "select id, ip from erp_core_fail2ban where id > $lastban";
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            $id = $row['id'];
            $ip = $row['ip'];
        exec("fail2ban-client set $jail banip $ip");
    } // $id contains the last banned host, add it to the config file file_put_contents($lastbanfile, $id); ?>
  4. phpconfig

    This file goes to /etc/fail2ban and have database configuration and jail selection.

    // jail to be used
    $jail = "ssh";
    // file to keep the last ban
    // database configuration
    // connect to database
    $link = mysql_connect($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db($dbname) or die('Could not select database');

Create those files and change the configuration from fail2ban:

After the line with actionban = ..... a new row inserted to invoke the PHP script:

/root/fail2ban.php <name> <protocol> <port> <ip>

Using this structure on all your servers will assure that every time one host gets banned on one server, all the other servers will ban it too.

So I did a bunch of research on how to do this after watching the same ip address hit my cluster of web servers one after another. Since I'm using AWS I figured there might be an easy way and its working beautifully in my first two days of testing 5 servers.

First thing I recommend is temporarily disabling SELinux, we will deal with it at the end. I'm not an SELinux expert but what I did works so far.

The primary requirement is a shared file source, I use AWS EFS. Once the new drive is provisioned and mounted, I changed logtarget inside of /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf to a subfolder in the EFS drive.

logtarget = /efsmount/fail2ban/server1.log

Then I wrote a simple filter and placed it in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/fail2ban-log.conf


failregex = .* Ban <HOST>

ignoreregex =

Added the filter to /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

enabled = true
port = http,https
findtime = 86400 ; 1 day
logpath  = /efsmount/fail2ban/server1.log
maxretry = 1

Then restarted fail2ban

sudo fail2ban-client reload

So far so good! No the painful part is SELinux. After I let fail2ban run for a bit I ran this command that would allow fail2ban through the filters.

sudo grep fail2ban /var/log/audit/audit.log | sudo audit2allow -M fail2ban-nfs

Audit2allow will tell you to run this command

sudo semodule -i fail2ban-nfs.pp

I am still checking my SELinux logs here and there to see if there are any more denials. If anyone has a tip on how to get that clear SELinux with another method that would be awesome.

sudo cat /var/log/audit/audit.log |grep fail2ban |grep denied

At this point I was still getting errors when restarting fail2ban. There is a bug when using action=action_mwl in jail.local. After a bit of googling I found this which is working so far. From what I read its because of the line breaks in the logpath directive pointing to multiple files. I tried with commas, spaces, etc nothing else worked with action_mwl.

action_mwm = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, bantime="%(bantime)s", port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"]
             %(mta)s-whois-matches[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s", chain="%(chain)s"]

action = %(action_mwm)s

Don't forget to turn SELinux back on!

I've just implemented this and so far it seems to be working well. However, I had to update some of the php because the scripts in the original answer use deprecated functions.

Here are the updated scripts


// jail to be used
$jail = "ssh";

// file to keep the last ban

// database configuration

// connect to database
$link = mysqli_connect($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbport) or die('Could not connect: ' . mysqli_error());
mysqli_select_db($link,$dbname) or die('Could not select database');




$name = $_SERVER["argv"][1];
$protocol = $_SERVER["argv"][2];
$port = $_SERVER["argv"][3];
if (!preg_match('/^\d{1,5}$/', $port))
    $port = getservbyname($_SERVER["argv"][3], $protocol);
$ip = $_SERVER["argv"][4];

$hostname = gethostname();

$query = "INSERT INTO erp_core_fail2ban (hostname,created,name,protocol,port,ip) VALUES ('$hostname',NOW(),'$name','$protocol','$port','$ip')";
echo $query;
$result = mysqli_query($link,$query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysqli_error($link));


// phpconfig.php will have database configuration settings

// file with only a line, containing the last id banned

$lastban = file_get_contents($lastbanfile);
// select only hosts banned after last check
$sql = "SELECT id,ip FROM erp_core_fail2ban WHERE id > $lastban";
$result = mysqli_query($link,$sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysqli_error($link));

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
        $id = $row['id'];
        $ip = $row['ip'];

    exec("fail2ban-client set $jail banip $ip");


// $id contains the last banned host, add it to the config file
file_put_contents($lastbanfile, $id);

Also, wherever you place the fail2ban.php action, it must be indented as much as the line above it. For example:

actionban = ...

Otherwise fail2ban will not start. I hope this helps anyone trying to deploy this.

An alternative to fail2ban is DenyHosts which comes with a synchronization functionality. Installation is fairly similar to fail2ban, see Cyberciti's tutorial for more details.

The problem is that the synchronization service is centralized and source code of the server side doesn't seem to be available, so you can't easily start your own DenyHosts service and you have to rely on 3rd party (which might be fine for some use cases).