Remove the Language Bar from the taskbar (WinXP)

I've repeatedly gone through the language bar configuration unchecking everything that will let it appear on my taskbar and the thing keeps coming back. I've just gone through the exercise again. It's not even an option right now when I right-click on the taskbar and hover over the Toolbars menu item. I've been here before, yet I know that shortly (maybe within 1-2 days) it will come back. Anyone else run into this? Can someone help stop the madness? I wouldn't mind just deleting the thing altogether. I never use it and it just takes up valuable space on my taskbar.

Solution 1:

If you unregister the DLL it should be disabled.

If the language bar is open / visible then close it (right click the taskbar, select toolbars, untick 'language bar')

Open a command prompt

type: Regsvr32.exe /u msutb.dll

hit return.

You'll get a message saying the DLL has been unregistered. If you right click the taskbar and then select toolbars the language bar should have disappeared from the list.

Solution 2:

Yes, that's annoying. Even if you remove the toolbar off the taskbar, it will come back everytime you start an Office application.

Just follow these steps in order to eliminate this behaviour:

  1. Click "Start", then "Control Panel"
  2. Hit "Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options", then "Regional and Language Options"
  3. Go to the "Languages" tab and push the "Details" button
  4. Choose the "Langage Bar" button at bottom, and then uncheck "Show the language bar on the desktop" and press OK.

If this isn't enough, try this:

Always in the "Regional and Languages Option", select the "Languages" tab and click the "Details" button of the "Text services and Input languages" section. Check the "Turn off advanced text services".

Hope this helps!