How to make s3fs work with IAM roles?
Solution 1:
This worked for me iam_role=auto
Here is my /etc/fstab entry
s3fs#my_bucket /s3mount_path fuse _netdev,allow_other,iam_role=auto 0 0
Just make sure you IAM role has proper permissions
Solution 2:
There seems to be an iam_role option in the man page:
iam_role (default is no role) - set the IAM Role that will supply the credentials from the instance meta-data.
A cursory overview of the source suggests that it will get the token and rotate as they expire...
also, see for details on getting these credentials, token, etc yourself
Solution 3:
Maybe a little late to the party but since majority of the answers are very old; just wanted to share the command that works right now :-
So, to manually mount the s3 bucket using an IAM role you will need to fire the following command :-
$ sudo s3fs <bucket-name> /<folder-path>/<folder-name> -o iam_role="<Role-name>" -o url="https://s3-<region-name>" -o endpoint=<region-name> -o dbglevel=info -o curldbg
Now, for example if my bucket-name is "Test-Bucket" and the folder path is "/root/Test-Bucket" and my IAM Role name is "ec2_to_s3" and the region in which I have the s3 bucket is "Asia-Pacific Mumbai", then the above specified command will be used as :-
$ sudo s3fs Test-Bucket /root/Test-Bucket -o iam_role="ec2_to_s3" -o url="" -o endpoint=ap-south-1 -o dbglevel=info -o curldbg
and the bucket will be mounted successfully.
Now, if you want the bucket to get mounted on system reboot by its own; you will need to add this string in "/etc/fstab".
<bucket-name> /<folder-path>/<folder-name> fuse.s3fs _netdev,allow_other,use_path_request_style,iam_role=auto 0 0
Now, as per the previous example, the string that needs to be added in "/etc/fstab" would be :-
Test-Bucket /root/Test-Bucket fuse.s3fs _netdev,allow_other,use_path_request_style,iam_role=auto 0 0
Hope this helps...
Solution 4:
IAM roles require the use of a token in addition to the access key id and secret access key.
This means that s3fs source will need be to be modified from its current state in order to support IAM roles.
Fortunately, s3fs is released under the GPLv2, so you are free to do so.