rsnapshot diff between snapshots

I am using rsnapshot to manage incremental backups of some GNU/Linux servers.

Although rsnapshot is delivered with a tool called rsnapshot-diff it just provide disk space statistics.

The question is how to get a diff: new and deleted files, on a specific snapshot.

I read suggestions like

# find /raid/rap/$interval -type f -links 1 -exec du -k {} \; | sort -rn

but it didn't work on my snapshots. I did modify a single file an run the one liner above right after a new hourly.0 snapshot and no differences were reported. Alhtough if I run it as

# find /raid/rap/$interval -type f -links 2 -exec du -k {} \; | sort -rn

the modified file is reported. Why there are two links to the modified file?

Not sure if this question has been answered, but just wanted to do the same thing. I used:

rsnapshot-diff -v folder1 folder2

which worked for me. Note that folder1 and folder2 are folders and not snapshot names. In my case, folder1 was /USB/USB_HDD_7/Snapshots/daily.0

The problem I have with "rsnapshot-diff" or even a related "" script is they don't take into account files that were renamed and then relinked together. They list them as added-deleted when really they were moved and re-linked together (seperate step).

However rsync itself knows when this happens and lists hardlinked but renamed files correctly...

rsync -aHin dir2/ dir1 2>&1 | grep -v '^\.d'

the only problem is while it lists the real changes it does not give the disk usage changes.