OpenSSL cannot convert PKCS12 exported from Cisco ASA 55xx
Solution 1:
This is strange. I have the same problem and found this question to have no answer. I then did more searching and found a post that says they found the answer and linked to this very question. Yet there was no answer here. Retroactively fixing that, full props to yaleman.
Long and short: You need to convert the pfx from Base64 to openssl's binary format.
$ openssl enc -base64 -d -in certfile.pfx -out converted.pfx
Then you can convert it to a PEM and get the key or cert separately.
$ openssl pkcs12 -in converted.pfx -out bundle.pem -clcerts -nodes
Solution 2:
If you have trouble with the decode, check your file and delete any blank lines in it. Our ASA was saving them with leading blanks and openssl doesn't like that.