How do I install wunderlist?

Wunderlist is a todo list, and apparently they now have Linux support. How do I install it?

There are two ways of doing this.

You can install Wunderlist via the Ubuntu Software Center. Open the Ubuntu Software Center, then search for Wunderlist - you can then install it from there. However, at time of writing, this will not work in 11.10, due to some incompatibility issues.

However, you can try the manual way outlined below.

First, download Wunderlist from their website.

Now, you need to unpack the .tgz that it comes in - run the following:

tar xvzf ./Downloads/wunderlist*.tgz

Then you need to open the Wunderlist file - open up Nautilus (or your file browser of choice) and navigate to the ~/Wunderlist-<version number> folder. In there you'll find a file named Wunderlist - double click it, and Wunderlist will open up - login and you're ready to go.

Instructions for Ubuntu 12.04 and 11.10 are here

How To Install Wunderlist In Ubuntu 12.10, 12.04 Or 11.10 ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog

Edit Nov 2012: Still no luck but you may use Fogger to get Wunderlist, web version, as a webapp in Ubuntu. Just install Fogger via Software Center, open Dash, enter 'Fogger' in it, 'create new' and follow the instructions. Courtesy of OMG Ubuntu!

Fogger Brings To-Do App Wunderlist back to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Please note that in 12.10 you don't have to add any PPA's. Just follow my instructions above.

As far as I know currently there is no official Wunderlist app for Linux. An alternative is wunderlistux which is basically a non official wunderlist app for linux

To install it you just have to download the last release from here:

You can use the AppImage which allows you to try the app without installing it but also allows you to install the app if you want. Or you can download the install script and run it as sudo: sudo ./

More information can be found here:

Hope you like it!