Default value of 'boolean' and 'Boolean' in Java

The default value for a Boolean (object) is null.
The default value for a boolean (primitive) is false.

The default value of any Object, such as Boolean, is null.

The default value for a boolean is false.

Note: Every primitive has a wrapper class. Every wrapper uses a reference which has a default of null. Primitives have different default values:

boolean -> false

byte, char, short, int, long -> 0

float, double -> 0.0

Note (2): void has a wrapper Void which also has a default of null and is it's only possible value (without using hacks).

Can be true or false.
Default value is false.

(Source: Java Primitive Variables)

Can be a Boolean object representing true or false, or can be null.
Default value is null.

If you need to ask, then you need to explicitly initialize your fields/variables, because if you have to look it up, then chances are someone else needs to do that too.

The value for a primitive boolean is false as can be seen here.

As mentioned by others the value for a Boolean will be null by default.

Boolean is an Object. So if it's an instance variable it will be null. If it's declared within a method you will have to initialize it, or there will be a compiler error.

If you declare as a primitive i.e. boolean. The value will be false by default if it's an instance variable (or class variable). If it's declared within a method you will still have to initialize it to either true or false, or there will be a compiler error.