Install GParted on a mac with Homebrew or Macports?

I'd like to install Gparted on my mac, and I thought I could use Homebrew or Macports to help with that, but I can't seem to figure it out. I tried using Homebrew because I haven't really heard good things about Macports.

Solution 1:

You cannot install GParted on Mac OSX. You will have to use the Live Version. This is according to the GParted website itself.

Here is a screenshot of it:

GParted Requirements

You can definitely find GParted alternatives for Mac OSX here. I found something interesting here, that parted does not even compile for Mac OSX.

Solution 2:

Maybe Docker is a possibility for you. I found Docker-PiShrink, it can create a docker service for gparted.

Docker-Image to shrink your Pi-Image in Docker without VirtualBox.

Solution 3:

Although GParted is not available for macOS, I was able to access my flash drive as a raw disk in GParted easily by using the GParted Live bootable image in VirtualBox and creating a raw disk image from my flash drive with the device file retrieved using diskutil list (/dev/disk2 in my case). Both VBoxManage and VirtualBox must be run as sudo from a command line, and the flash drive must be unmounted before the virtual machine will launch.