VMWare Invisible Mouse Pointer

Solution 1:

Easy way to solve this weird behavior with text cursors in some editors.

In the Virtual Machine go to "Control Panel" -> "Mouse Properties" -> "Pointers" tab ->

Once there select the "Windows Black(system scheme)" profile.

As @adam0101 pointed out in comments you can select another theme like Aero.

Solution 2:

You could try to disable hardware acceleration in Windows 7, if it works in the VM.

Ensure also that VMware Tools for Windows Guests are installed.

Solution 3:

Go into the advanced system properties and ensure that the "show shadows under mouse pointer" is selected.

As strange as it seems, solved my problem.

Solution 4:

I too have had this problem, the only way I could find round it was to use remote desktop to remote into the virtual machine itself directly, either that or go to www.logmein.com and setup a free account and use that to login to the virtual machine directly. For some reason mouse pointers dont seem to roam very well between three locations.

One thing to try though, have you tried making your virtual machine full screen on the pc you are connecting to ?.

Another option is to use a lan enabled kvm switch, this is different to using remote desktop in that the signal for the mouse / keyboard is fed directly into the keyboard and mouse sockets on the pc at the other end instead of being virtualised by remote deskptop, so the mouse pointer would appear in the VM the same as it does when viewing it at the pc itself, they are not overly cheap though, although you can prob find a second hand one on ebay.


Solution 5:

Make sure vmware tools app is installed on the VM. If that does not help, maybe try changing your remote control app and see if that helps.