Resuming Chrome file download after shutting down the PC

Solution 1:

Pause it with the option built-in to Chrome, and hibernate the computer. If the SERVER that is providing the download supports resuming downloads, then after you resume from hibernation, you should have no issues resuming the download.

After you pause the download, there is no need to touch Chrome. Just pause, and hibernate. By that I mean, don't close Chrome. Don't kill it or edit anything. Just pause the download, leave Chrome up and running, and hibernate.

Solution 2:

There is no need to hibernate the computer. If you just use a download manager such as JDownloader (multiplatform) you'll be able to resume the download after shutdown provided the server you are downloading from supports it.

Some websites, due to server software, just do not support resuming downloads and they can't start transmitting midway through a file.