How to install Open64 Compiler?

Open64 is the compiler maintained by AMD, here are the links: and the Community Maintained one

I would love to know how to install it. The instructions from this link: didn't work nor the instructions from the HOWTO-INSTALL-OPEN64 file, which are the same...

It returns error 127 and then error 2.

Solution 1:

I got the Open64 compiler built on my 64-bit system running Ubuntu 11.10 by following these steps that I pieced together from a few places:

Make sure you have prerequisites installed:

sudo apt-get install mawk csh bash make flex bison gfortran ia32-libs gcc-multilib g++-multilib gfortran-multilib

Make sure sh is linked to bash and not dash:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash

and select 'No'.

Make sure that awk is linked to mawk:

ls -al /etc/alternatives/awk

Fix looking for the crt libraries in the wrong locations by making symbolic links:

cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/crt* .

sudo mkdir /usr/lib64/
cd /usr/lib64/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt* .

Download the Open64 source and uncompress:

cd ~

tar xjvf open64-5.0-0.src.tar.bz2
cd open64-5.0/

Now make another directory inside this for building the compiler

mkdir objs
cd objs

Decide where you want to install, and run the configure script. Replace /opt/open64/5.0 with where you want to install open64. If you want to use the default location, leave off the --prefix argument.

../configure --prefix=/opt/open64/5.0

Now fix an unrecognized option error:

nano ../osprey/ipa/local/Makefile.gbase

and delete or comment out the last line containing:

ipl_summarize_util.o: OPTIMIZER += -CG:all_sched=0

Build the compiler (assuming an 8-core machine, -j 6 seems reasonable)

make -j 6
sudo make install