Why is using the '-execdir' action insecure for directory which is in the PATH?

Solution 1:

You could run the wrong program. Someone could make you run their program.

The -execdir action runs your command from the directory that contains the file(s) found. When $PATH contains relative paths, such as . or anything that doesn't start with /, -execdir is insecure because a directory where a file is found (or another directory resolved relative to it) could also contain an executable of the same name as the one you are trying to run. That potentially untrusted executable would then get run instead.

This could be deliberately exploited by another user to cause you to run their program, which might cause harm or breach data security, instead of the program you are trying to run. Or, less often, it might simply result in the wrong program inadvertently being run, even without anyone trying to make the problem happen.

If everything in your PATH environment variable is an absolute path, this error should not occur, even if the directory you're searching and -execdiring from is contained in PATH. (I've checked that this works.) If you believe you don't have any relative directories in $PATH but are still getting this error, please update your question with details including the output of echo "$PATH".

A concrete example.

As an example of what could go wrong, suppose:

  • Alice has . in her $PATH because she wants to be able to run programs in whatever directory she's cd'd to, without bothering to prepend their names with ./.
  • Alice's frenemy Eve has shared /home/eve/shared with Alice.
  • Alice wants statistics (lines, words, bytes) on the .c files Eve has shared with her.

So Alice runs:

find ~eve/shared -name \*.c -execdir wc {} \;

Unfortunately for Alice, Eve has created her own script, named it wc, set it executable (chmod +x), and placed it clandestinely in one of the directories under /home/eve/shared. Eve's script looks like this:

/usr/bin/wc "$@"
do_evil    # Eve replaces this command with whatver evil she wishes to do

So when Alice uses find with -execdir to run wc on the files Eve has shared, and it gets to files in the same directory as Eve's custom wc script, Eve's wc runs--with all of Alice's privileges!

(Being crafty, Eve has made her wc script act as a wrapper for the system wc, so Alice won't even know something has gone wrong, i.e., that do_evil was run. However, simpler--and also more sophisticated--variations are possible.)

How find prevents this.

find prevents this security problem from happening by refusing to take the -execdir action when $PATH contains a relative directory.

find offers two diagnostic messages depending on the specific situation.

  • If . is in $PATH, then (as you've seen) it says:

    find: The current directory is included in the PATH environment variable, which is insecure in combination with the -execdir action of find. Please remove the current directory from your $PATH (that is, remove "." or leading or trailing colons)

    It probably has a special message for the . case as it's especially common.

  • If a relative path other than .--say, foo--appears in $PATH and you run find with -execdir, it says:

    find: The relative path `foo' is included in the PATH environment variable, which is insecure in combination with the -execdir action of find. Please remove that entry from $PATH

It's better not to have relative paths in $PATH at all.

The risk of having . or other relative paths in $PATH is especially heightened when using a utility that automatically changes the directory, which is why find won't let you use -execdir in this situation.

But having relative paths, especially ., in your $PATH is inherently risky and is really best avoided anyway. Consider the fictional situation in the example above. Suppose instead of running find, Alice simply cds to ~eve/shared/blah and runs wc *.c. If blah contains Eve's wc script, do_evil runs as Alice.

Solution 2:

There is a much detailed information here. Another excellent reference is here. To quote from the first reference:

The option -execdir is a more modern option introduced in GNU find is an attempt to create a more safe version of -exec. It has the same semantic as -exec with two important enhancements:

It always provides absolute path to the file (using relative path to a file is really dangerous in case of -exec).

In addition to providing absolute path it also checks the PATH variable for safety (if dot is present in the PATH env variable, you can pickup executable from the wrong directory)

From second reference:

The ‘-execdir’ action refuses to do anything if the current directory is included in the $PATH environment variable. This is necessary because ‘-execdir’ runs programs in the same directory in which it finds files – in general, such a directory might be writable by untrusted users. For similar reasons, ‘-execdir’ does not allow ‘{}’ to appear in the name of the command to be run.

Solution 3:

The main problem is with the value of system variable PATH which contains relative folders in it, so for security reasons find command won't allow you to execute binaries, because potentially it can execute wrong programs.

So for example, if you have your current dir in your PATH as per warning which you get:

The current directory is included in the PATH environment variable.

and you'll run your command:

find . -type f -name 'partOfFileNames*' -execdir rm -- {} +

in case you'll have local script (rm with executable flags) containing rm -fr / in it, it can remove all your files, because instead of executing expected /bin/rm, you'll execute rm from the current dir, so probably it's not what you wanted.

As a side note, this is known issue in Travis CI (GH #2811) when it fails with the error:

find: The relative path `./node_modules/.bin' is included in the PATH environment variable, which is insecure in combination with the -execdir action of find. Please remove that entry from $PATH

So the solution is to remove affected entry from PATH variable, e.g.

PATH=`echo $PATH | sed -e 's/:\.\/node_modules\/\.bin//'`

as proposed by drogus. The progress of this bug, can be followed at GH #4862.

Here is Bash version workaround:


Example usage (passing filtered PATH to specific command):

env PATH=${PATH//:\.\/node_modules\/\.bin/} find . -type f

Solution 4:

Set PATH=/usr/bin

This is not ideal, but it tends to solve most use cases, supposing both find and the program to be used (rm here) are in that directory:

PATH=/usr/bin find -execdir rm ...

You can just add any missing PATHs as needed.

xargs and bash -c cd workaround

OK, I give up:

find . -type f |
  xargs -I '{}' bash -c 'cd "$(dirname "{}")" && pwd && echo "$(basename "{}")"'

sed workaround

A bit less nice than the previous workaround:

PATH="$(echo "$PATH" | sed -E 's/(^|:)[^\/][^:]*//g')" find . -execdir echo '{}' \;

A testcase:

[ "$(printf '/a/b::c/d:/e/f\n' | sed -E 's/(^|:)[^\/][^:]*//g')" = '/a/b:/e/f' ] || echo fail

For rename specifically, you can also work around with some Perl regex-fu: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16541582/finding-multiple-files-recursively-and-renaming-in-linux/54163971#54163971

RTFS hope crushing

For those who have hopes that there exists a way to ignore find's opinionatedness, let me crush that with some source:

  • https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/findutils.git/tree/find/parser.c?h=v4.6.0#n2847
  • https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/findutils.git/tree/find/parser.c?h=v4.6.0#n2944

From that we see that there seems to be no way to turn off the path checking.

The exact rule it checks is: fail if the PATH is either empty or does not start with /.