Is it possible to get data off of a dead PS3?

Is it possible to get the data off of the hard drive of a PlayStation 3 that has crashed? I have already voided the warranty so I am not worried about that and I have access to quite a few tools.

I have a new PlayStation and a few saves that were not backed up. I am not worried about them but if it is possible I would love to get it moved over.

The old PlayStation will not turn on at all and I think I am going to have to pull the drive. My main concern is if I am able to transfer the files without running into any issues. I have heard that some of the stuff is specific to each PlayStation, is that true?

Solution 1:

There's no way to get data off a PS3's hard disk if the PS3 is dead.

Transplanting the hard disk into a new PS3 doesn't work because the hard disk data is tied to the old PS3. The new PS3 will only allow you to format the drive, not access the data.

See my answer here for options.