How can I lose a bounty?

Bounties can be put on you by other players or sometimes by NPC's if you steal their car. If nobody kills you after one full in-game day (48 minutes real time), the bounty will expire and you receive the cash. There's even an achievement to do this.

Spending time in LS Customs does not count toward the 48 minutes. You are best off hiding in your garage or a remote location if playing in a public game. Or if you really want to shake it without the heat, just play in a private game for a while and it will go away once time is up.

"You can only place bounties on people level 10 or above.

Bounties stick to you until they're claimed or until you survive for 30 minutes, after that you get to keep the money from the bounty.

It is possible that an Npc May put a bounty on you for stealing their car or killing a friend/member of their gang. I believe all odd denominations of thousands of dollars are bounties placed by npcs, ($1000, $3000, $5000, $7000)

Bounties also transfer across lobbies until they are collected, my best advice is to have a friend or crew member so that at least someone in your circle benefits. I received a $9000 bounty and requested my friend shoot my in the head after I had one last smoke. "

That's what I found.

The link here.

I'm running from a $9000 one right now. I suggest jumping on a train in private, seeing as NPCs are too dumb to get on one. Also, press R1/RB to lay low. But make sure you don't idle too long, or you'll get kicked for it.