Dependency Injection with Ninject and Filter attribute for mvc

See this answer: Custom Authorization MVC 3 and Ninject IoC

If you want to use constructor injection then you need to create an attribute and a filter.

/// Marker attribute
public class MyAuthorizeAttribute : FilterAttribute { }

/// Filter
public class MyAuthorizeFilter : IAuthorizationFilter
      private readonly IUserService _userService;
      public MyAuthorizeFilter(IUserService userService)
          _userService = userService;

      public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
          var validUser = _userService.CheckIsValid();

          if (!validUser)
              filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary { { "action", "AccessDenied" }, { "controller", "Error" } });


this.BindFilter<MyAuthorizeFilter>(System.Web.Mvc.FilterScope.Controller, 0).WhenControllerHas<MyAuthorizeAttribute>();


public class YourController : Controller
    // ...

I would highly recommend B Z's answer. DO NOT use [Inject]!

I used an [Inject] like Darin Dimitrov said was possible and it actually caused threading issues under high load, high contention situations in conjunction with .InRequestScope.

B Z's way is also what is on the Wiki and I have seen many places where Remo Gloor (Ninject author) says this is the correct way to do it, e.g.

Downvote [Inject] answers in here because seriously you will get burned (probably in production if you don't load test properly beforehand!).

I found a simple solution for any occasion where construction is not handled by Ninject:

var session = (IMyUserService)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof (IMyUserService));

Actually this is exactly what I am using with my custom AuthorizeAttribute. Much easier than having to implement a separate FilterAttribute.

On way would be to use a property injection and decorate the property with the [Inject] attribute:

public class AuthorizeAttribute : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
    public IUserService UserService { get; set; }

    private string[] roles;

Constructor injection doesn't work well with attributes as you will no longer be able to decorate controllers/actions with them. You could only use constructor injection with the filter binding syntax in Ninject:

public class AuthorizeAttribute : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
    private readonly IUserService userService;

    private string[] roles;

    public AuthorizeAttribute(IUserService userService, params string[] roles)
        this.userService = userService;
        this.roles = roles;

and then:

internal class SiteModule : Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule
    public override void Load()

        this.BindFilter<AuthorizeAttribute>(FilterScope.Controller, 0)

The BindFilter<> extension method is defined in the Ninject.Web.Mvc.FilterBindingSyntax namespace so make sure you have brought that into scope before calling it on a kernel.