Create PDF with Java [duplicate]

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PDF Generation Library for Java

I'm working on an invoice program for a local accounting company. What is a good way to create a PDF file with Java? Any good library? I'm totally new to PDF export (On any language).

Solution 1:

I prefer outputting my data into XML (using Castor, XStream or JAXB), then transforming it using a XSLT stylesheet into XSL-FO and render that with Apache FOP into PDF. Worked so far for 10-page reports and 400-page manuals. I found this more flexible and stylable than generating PDFs in code using iText.

Solution 2:

Following are few libraries to create PDF with Java:

  1. iText
  2. Apache PDFBox
  3. BFO

I have used iText for genarating PDF's with a little bit of pain in the past.

Or you can try using FOP: FOP is an XSL formatter written in Java. It is used in conjunction with an XSLT transformation engine to format XML documents into PDF.

Solution 3:

Another alternative would be JasperReports: JasperReports Library. It uses iText itself and is more than a PDF library you asked for, but if it fits your needs I'd go for it.

Simply put, it allows you to design reports that can be filled during runtime. If you use a custom datasource, you might be able to integrate JasperReports easily into the existing system. It would save you the whole layouting troubles, e.g. when invoices span over more sites where each side should have a footer and so on.