A proper way to create a matrix in c++

Solution 1:

Note that also you can use boost.ublas for matrix creation and manipulation and also boost.graph to represent and manipulate graphs in a number of ways, as well as using algorithms on them, etc.

Edit: Anyway, doing a range-check version of a vector for your purposes is not a hard thing:

template <typename T>
class BoundsMatrix
        std::vector<T> inner_;
        unsigned int dimx_, dimy_;

        BoundsMatrix (unsigned int dimx, unsigned int dimy)
                : dimx_ (dimx), dimy_ (dimy)
                inner_.resize (dimx_*dimy_);

        T& operator()(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
                if (x >= dimx_ || y>= dimy_)
                        throw std::out_of_range("matrix indices out of range"); // ouch
                return inner_[dimx_*y + x];

Note that you would also need to add the const version of the operators, and/or iterators, and the strange use of exceptions, but you get the idea.

Solution 2:

Best way:

Make your own matrix class, that way you control every last aspect of it, including range checking.

eg. If you like the "[x][y]" notation, do this:

class my_matrix {
  std::vector<std::vector<bool> >m;
  my_matrix(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
    m.resize(x, std::vector<bool>(y,false));
  class matrix_row {
    std::vector<bool>& row;
    matrix_row(std::vector<bool>& r) : row(r) {
    bool& operator[](unsigned int y) {
      return row.at(y);
  matrix_row& operator[](unsigned int x) {
    return matrix_row(m.at(x));
// Example usage
my_matrix mm(100,100);
mm[10][10] = true;

nb. If you program like this then C++ is just as safe as all those other "safe" languages.

Solution 3:

The standard vector does NOT do range checking by default.

i.e. The operator[] does not do a range check.

The method at() is similar to [] but does do a range check.
It will throw an exception on out of range.


Other notes: Why a vector<Pointers> ?
You can quite easily have a vector<Object>. Now there is no need to worry about memory management (i.e. leaks).

std::vector<std::vector<bool> >   m;

Note: vector<bool> is overloaded and not very efficient (i.e. this structure was optimized for size not speed) (It is something that is now recognized as probably a mistake by the standards committee).

If you know the size of the matrix at compile time you could use std::bitset?

std::vector<std::bitset<5> >    m;

or if it is runtime defined use boost::dynamic_bitset

std::vector<boost::dynamic_bitset>  m;

All of the above will allow you to do:

m[6][3] = true;

Solution 4:

If you want 'C' array performance, but with added safety and STL-like semantics (iterators, begin() & end() etc), use boost::array.

Basically it's a templated wrapper for 'C'-arrays with some NDEBUG-disable-able range checking asserts (and also some std::range_error exception-throwing accessors).

I use stuff like

boost::array<boost::array<float,4>,4> m;

instead of

float m[4][4];

all the time and it works great (with appropriate typedefs to keep the verbosity down, anyway).

UPDATE: Following some discussion in the comments here of the relative performance of boost::array vs boost::multi_array, I'd point out that this code, compiled with g++ -O3 -DNDEBUG on Debian/Lenny amd64 on a Q9450 with 1333MHz DDR3 RAM takes 3.3s for boost::multi_array vs 0.6s for boost::array.

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include "boost/array.hpp"
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"

using namespace boost;

enum {N=1024};

typedef multi_array<char,3> M;
typedef array<array<array<char,N>,N>,N> C;

// Forward declare to avoid being optimised away
static void clear(M& m);
static void clear(C& c);

int main(int,char**)
  const clock_t t0=clock();

    M m(extents[N][N][N]);

  const clock_t t1=clock();

    std::auto_ptr<C> c(new C);

  const clock_t t2=clock();

    << "multi_array: " << (t1-t0)/static_cast<float>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "s\n"
    << "array      : " << (t2-t1)/static_cast<float>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "s\n";

  return 0;

void clear(M& m)
  for (M::index i=0;i<N;i++)
    for (M::index j=0;j<N;j++)
      for (M::index k=0;k<N;k++)

void clear(C& c)
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<N;j++)
      for (int k=0;k<N;k++)