Android - Detect End of Long Press

Solution 1:

I think your best bet is to use a combination of the onLongClickListener() and onTouchListener() for that button. You'll need to catch certain events on the touch listener since it will trigger for every touch event.

Try something like the following:

class Blah extends Activity {
     private Button mSpeak;
     private boolean isSpeakButtonLongPressed = false;

     public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
          Button mSpeak = (Button)findViewById(;

     private View.OnLongClickListener speakHoldListener = new View.OnLongClickListener() {

          public boolean onLongClick(View pView) {
               // Do something when your hold starts here.
               isSpeakButtonLongPressed = true;
               return true;

     private View.OnTouchListener speakTouchListener = new View.OnTouchListener() {

          public boolean onTouch(View pView, MotionEvent pEvent) {
               // We're only interested in when the button is released.
               if (pEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                    // We're only interested in anything if our speak button is currently pressed.
                    if (isSpeakButtonLongPressed) {
                         // Do something when the button is released.
                         isSpeakButtonLongPressed = false;
               return false;

Solution 2:

These answers are pretty complicated. onClick from an OnClickListener still gets called at the end of a long press if you return false from the OnLongClickListener. That's the easiest place to detect the end of a long press.

This is especially important to know because if you implement the onTouch route while returning false from onLongClick (the default AS gives you and often what you want), your onClick code may be called at the end of your long presses without you realizing it.

Here's an example based on capturing a photo or video:

private boolean takingVideo = false;

captureButton.setOnClickListener(v -> {
    // onClick gets called after normal click or long click
    if(takingVideo) {
    } else {

captureButton.setOnLongClickListener(v -> {

    return false;

private void takePhoto() {
    // Save the photo

private void takeVideo() {
    takingVideo = true;
    // Start capturing video

private void saveVideo() {
    takingVideo = false;
    // Save the video

As you can see, the logic becomes very straight forward when you let Android propagate the end touch event to an OnClickListener.

Solution 3:

I think you can use OnTouchListener for this.