Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM ( replacing SWT file )

Solution 1:

Eclipse is launching your application with whatever JRE you defined in your launch configuration. Since you're running the 32-bit Eclipse, you're running/debugging against its 32-bit SWT libraries, and you'll need to run a 32-bit JRE.

Your 64-bit JRE is, for whatever reason, your default Installed JRE.

To change this, first make sure you have a 32-bit JRE configured in the Installed JREs preference. Go to Window -> Preferences and navigate to Java -> Installed JREs:

Installed JREs

You can click Add and navigate to your 32-bit JVM's JAVA_HOME to add it.

Then in your Run Configuration, find your Eclipse Application and make sure the Runtime JRE is set to the 32-bit JRE you just configured:

Run Configuration

(Note the combobox that is poorly highlighted.)

Don't try replacing SWT jars, that will likely end poorly.

Solution 2:

Well, duh :) SWT uses JNI ... and JNI is strictly platform specific.

Use 32-bit libraries with a 32-bit JVM, 64-bit libraries with a 64-bit JVM, make sure the versions match exactly, and don't mix'n'match.


PS: You can have multiple JVMs and/or multiple Eclipse's co-existing on the same box.

Solution 3:

i removed C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath from my path, and it worked for me.

and make sure you include x64 JDK and JRE addresses in your path.