How to fix ERROR: No signature of method:

If you are using kotlin version 1.4.21 or newer, kotlin-android-extension is deprecated. So if you removing the plugin you also have to remove the android experimental extension block. In my case, I had to remove these pieces of code.

apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'

androidExtensions {
    experimental = true

I had the same error message until I commented out everything in the android plugin except the compile sdk version, trying to get back to a successful build config.

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23

Then, I started uncommenting things until I narrowed the problem down to using the following incorrectly.

ProductFlavors {

I'm not sure if you're using the same block, but at the moment, I'm leaving it commented out because I'm not sure it's needed. Once I got rid of it though, I was receiving other errors about sdk root dir location, so I was able to fix those.

I hope this helps!

in my case I needed to comment out this lines in gradle

    experimental = true