How to increase hit area of Android button without scaling background?

I have a button with a custom drawable.

    android:background="@drawable/triangle" />

The drawable is a triangle with transparent background.

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I find this button hard to tap. First, it's relatively small. Second, the transparent pixels are not tappable. I would like to keep the drawable the same size, but make the hit area a square shape twice the size of the triangle.

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you can use TouchDelegate API.

final View parent = (View) button.getParent();  // button: the view you want to enlarge hit area new Runnable() {
    public void run() { 
        final Rect rect = new Rect(); 
        button.getHitRect(rect); -= 100;    // increase top hit area
        rect.left -= 100;   // increase left hit area
        rect.bottom += 100; // increase bottom hit area           
        rect.right += 100;  // increase right hit area
        parent.setTouchDelegate( new TouchDelegate( rect , button)); 

You want "padding" It will put the space inside the view. Margin will put the space outside, which will not increase the hit area.

    android:padding="10dp" />

You need to use a TouchDelegate, which is defined in the API docs as "Helper class to handle situations where you want a view to have a larger touch area than its actual view bounds"