Viewing Windows Explorer’s complete Undo history

Hopefully, I correctly get what You are looking for. If so, there seems to be WinAPI method - ReadDirectoryChangesW that might do what You expect.

I am not sure if following approach will work with file operation history or only display changes made after the time it is used, however, as this approach is not that different and might be used in scenario You provided, I will mention that even it might be slightly off-topic:

You could be able to connect FileSystemWatcher object to a folder (yet the link's topic is different, this IMHO gives nice overview of the class purpose) – it is C# .NET class, I know, but what is C# can be made PowerShell as shown by this script from Microsoft's Script Center.

You might consider a 3rd party solutions such as Windows Explorer tracker that seems to do the same (I believe they rather use (documented) API calls than reverse-engineering techniques – but You seemed bit concerned about them, so I only looked-up one).

And last but not least, You might even consider writing a simple WPF application based on FileSystemWatcher or bit more complex WPF application calling ReadDirectoryChangesW method.