How to restart a video card driver in Windows 7?

Some times my video card driver (Intel GMA X4500HD) crashes and gets restarted automatically. But more often (almost every time I watch a flash-powered online video for a period of time) it just gets slower and slower and extremely slow until I restart my computer. This looks like a resource leak in the video driver code and I'd like to try restarting it alone without restarting the whole system. How do I restart it (or cause it to crash immediately to be restarted automatically by the OS) manually?

Use the Devcon tool from Microsoft.

Using DevCon, you can enable, disable, restart, update, remove, and query individual devices or groups of devices.

To list display devices use the following command:

devcon listclass display

To restart a device use the command:

devcon restart "class id"


devcon restart "PCI\VEN_115D&DEV_0003&SUBSYS_0181115D"
  • Examples of use.

  1. Get the file: devmanview.exe from Nirsoft, move it to ..\windows\system32\ and run it.
  2. Get your device name by opening devmanview.exe: right mouse click and select Properties on your video device.
  3. Copy "DEVICE NAME" to clipboard for use in the script: for example: "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260" or "AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series" Open notepad and copy paste this code:
@echo off
echo *** Restarting GPU  
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
devmanview.exe /disable_enable "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260" 
echo *** DoNe 
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe

Remember to change "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260" to your Graphics card name taken from ..\windows\system32\devmanview.exe

Save the notepad file as a nameyoulike.bat . Double click to reboot your GPU and driver.