How to extract Win 8 OEM key embedded in the BIOS?

I did a fresh install of Win 8 on my PC, I was told the OEM product key will automatically supplied in the installtion. However, it did not happen in my case... this is the method i used to install Windows 8. Now im stuck with an unregistered Win 8. I'm wondering, now, if there's a way to extract the Product Key from my BIOS?

Edit: my pc came with OEM Windows 8 installed

See this tutorial for more help:

Windows 8 clean install from iso using the machines own Windows 8 OEM licence

The BIOS does store the OEM key. If you make a clean install on an unparticioned HDD with an MSDN installer, it can detect the key. However, the windows edition of the key must match the edition of the installer (Pro, with or without Media Center Pack, Enterprise, etc.). If the two don't match, the installer will prompt to enter the key and activate Windows.

Here's another interesting tutorial, to install a different version of Windows 8:

Installing Windows 8 Pro over Standard OEM in your new Win8 Certified notebook

Download RW-EVERYTHING. Run it. Click on the ACPI Table button at the top. After that click on the MSDM tab. Your BIOS's product key is at the bottom.


When the program opens just remember to close the bottom windows first - having two windows open can cause the program to crash.

I tested this program because I had a hdd crash and had to clone the hard drive to a new one. I did a factory restore on the new drive, and then of course it wanted to be reactivated. This program helped me retrieve the key.

The free OEM Product Key Tool from NeoSmart Technologies is probably the most straight-forward way of doing this. Just run the standalone exe and it'll come up in the main dialog like this:

NeoSmart product key tool

Disclosure: I work for NeoSmart