What are other CDK templates besides sample-app?

As I am learning the AWS CDK I have invoked 'cdk init' to create a new project with the default sample-app template. What are other templates and/or where are they located?

 $ cdk init --help
 cdk init [TEMPLATE]

 Create a new, empty CDK project from a template. Invoked without TEMPLATE, the app template will be used.

Solution 1:

cdk init --list can be used to view a list of the available templates

Solution 2:

You can find the other templates on CDK GitHub source code.


cdk init --language LANGUAGE [TEMPLATE]


LANGUAGE: is one of the supported programming languages: csharp (C#), java (Java), javascript (JavaScript), python (Python), or typescript (TypeScript)

TEMPLATE: is an optional template. If the desired template is app, the default, you may omit it.

Available templates: app \ lib \ sample-app

Solution 3:

As of now there are only 3 templates available Available templates:

  • app: Template for a CDK Application └─ cdk init app --language=[csharp|fsharp|go|java|javascript|python|typescript]
  • lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
  • sample-app: Example CDK Application with some constructs └─ cdk init sample-app --language=[csharp|fsharp|go|java|javascript|python|typescript]