Solution 1:

PowerMock is another mock framework that extends EasyMock and Mockito. With PowerMock you can easily remove unwanted behavior from a class, for example a static initializer. In your example you simply add the following annotations to your JUnit test case:


PowerMock does not use a Java agent and therefore does not require modification of the JVM startup parameters. You simple add the jar file and the above annotations.

Solution 2:

Occasionally, I find static initilizers in classes that my code depends on. If I cannot refactor the code, I use PowerMock's @SuppressStaticInitializationFor annotation to suppress the static initializer:

public class ClassWithStaticInitTest {

    ClassWithStaticInit tested;

    public void setUp() {
        tested = new ClassWithStaticInit();

    public void testSuppressStaticInitializer() {

    // more tests...

Read more about suppressing unwanted behaviour.

Disclaimer: PowerMock is an open source project developed by two colleagues of mine.