Is it possible to move the minimap?

As title says, been trying to ask on the Dota-2 ingame chats with no success.

Can this be done? For long time League of Legends players like me, one gets used to have the minimap on the lower right corner, so it would be nice to move Dota's minimap to the same place.

Solution 1:

I feel your pain, coming from LoL or not, I have the same feeling that map is in the wrong position and too big for my taste (misclicks when retreating to Radiant base are frequent) but unfortunately Dota 2 minimap size and position cannot be modified at the moment.

Both possibilities have been already requested on Dota 2 dev forum [SUGGESTION] Option to change minimap to right side, but there is no official answer from Valve devs yet.

Solution 2:

You can't valve is in hurry to develop Dota 2 and they wont be adding less important things like this anytime soon.

And since game is only in beta there aren't any good mods or 3rd party scripts to change that.

As Drake mentioned there is a petition on dota forums to add that option an it has a nice number of supporters,so it is possible they add the option before final release of the game.

There is only 1 popular mod out there(for now) that changes dota 2 a bit,but it still doesn't have the option to change minimap location,and the stability is terrible it crashes the game and with every beta update half the things stop working.

In case you have problems with clicking on minimap by accident you can change dota_minimap_misclick_time which is basically the time that you have to hover your mouse over the minimap before you can click it. I think the default value is 0.4. Just write in console: dota_minimap_misclick_time "TIMEINSECONDS"