Unable to ping, although can download packages

Solution 1:

For you - A HaikuHokku.

See Your firewall.
It blocks the ICMP.
Make it not do that.

Or, more explicitly:

Ping is ICMP. DNS is UDP. Downloads are TCP.
The problem you are having is that ping is not working, which means that your firewall (or one somewhere on the network) is probably blocking ICMP.

Fix that, or have the responsible netadmin fix it, and ping will work.

Solution 2:

Double check your Gateway against the setting of a machine that is able to ping outside of your network.

Regular conventions (for the most part) use either the first or last available IP within a given block as the gateway. So, or Yours (although it may be correct) does look a bit off at a glance.

Have you tried using a tool like curl / wget to attempt to get anything from the actual outside world? The packges you've found could be off of your original installation media.