iptables rule to set source IP depending on local userid

Solution 1:

Now (iptables v1.4.21) it's works in one step:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING ! -o lo -m owner --uid-owner 1030 -j SNAT --to-source

And the user with uid 1030 will be originating all connections from the (if the ip is on the outgoing interface).

Solution 2:

Unfortunately, due to the way netfilter works, you can't do a 'one-step' setup.

  • Packet owners can only be detected in the OUTPUT chain, but
  • SNAT can only be performed in the POSTROUTING chain

That said, instead of using SNAT, I recommend using a combination of netfilter and iproute2, e.g.:

For netfilter:

iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 500 -j MARK --set-mark 500
iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 501 -j MARK --set-mark 501

For iproute2:

ip rule add fwmark 500 table 500
ip rule add fwmark 501 table 501

ip route add default via $gateway dev eth0 src $ip_eth0   table 500
ip route add default via $gateway dev eth0 src $ip_eth0_1 table 501