java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7

How do you run the application? It's probably because you use Gradle as the build system and JDK14 and the Gradle version is old. Reference:

If you use Gradle Wrapper then refer to $PROJECT_ROOT/gradle/wrapper/ The property distributionUrl should be: distributionUrl=https\://

If it's an older version then change it, run ./gradlew clean build and try again.

I solved it by editing the file inside the gradle folder. (Not .gradle) :

Change this line, from:




rebuild and it's ok.

In the file android/gradle/wrapper/, ensure that the distributionUrl is as follows:


Note: If you installed jdk 14

Got the same issue on a Maven & SpringBoot project, no Gradle whatever.

The dependency to org.codehaus.groovy is probably transitive through spring-cloud-contract-verifier. Run mvn dependency:tree to view the whole dependency tree.

I got it fixed by upgrading the spring-cloud-contract-maven-plugin version to 2.2.3-RELEASE

Check that your project is running with Java 14 even though it is prepared for Java 8.

My IntelliJ Idea was giving the same error when trying to execute a Gradle task which was running perfectly in command line with JDK 8. The ItelliJ Idea project default JDK was 14 though.